Sanah Majid

Former PhD student

Master of Science – Environmental Sciences

Joined the group in September 2014

Defended PhD in June 2024

Research project: Molecular toxicity of metal mixture and defence mechanism in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and other model species.

I am working on the molecular pathways, bioaccumulation and transport of heavy metals as environmental stressors in vertebrate (Danio rerio) and invertebrate (Schmidtea mediterranea) animal model systems. My research objective is to extensively study the gene expression patterns, DNA damage, Cell death and Stem cell proliferation during the developing and adult stages of the model organisms in response to single and mixed metal exposure. The changes in subsequent biochemical and molecular pathways together with cellular processes may be used as “Biomarker” for cellular, organismal and population effects of metal toxicity.

My favorite quote: “Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work and the power to appreciate life.” -Brigham Young

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