
Stem cell toxicology

How do stem cells cope with cellular stress? We investigate the nature of the stem cell repair response in a system with high regeneration capacity.

More information about our stem cell toxicology research will follow soon!

Applied toxicology

Are stem cells and animals with regenerative capacities of added value to toxicity testing? We developed an assay for evaluating carcinogens based on the planarian stem cell response.

More information about our applied toxicology research will follow soon.

Regeneration research

Which signals drive tissue regeneration? We use a multilevel approach to investigate the function of redox molecules in stem cell fate and regeneration.

More information about our regeneration research coming soon!

Environmental and particle toxicology

Nanoparticles, microplastics and heavy metals are everywhere, but are they safe? We investigate their impact on human health and aquatic organisms in a multidisciplinary setting.

More information about our environmental and particle toxicology research will follow soon.